Graoud Station

An Exsample of Transmitter and Recever Configuration for Ground Station

 Transmitter consists of command generator, variable frequency oscillator, and a transmitter.
 Receiver consists of Yagi antenna, preamplifier, USB Seg tuner, PC.

 · Transmitting Antenna (144MHz 2×11 element cross Yagi antenna)
             CY144-211    Japan Communication & Electronic Co.,Ltd.
 · Rotator           G-5500       Yaesu Musen Co.,Ltd.
 · Transmitter      FT-897D      Yaesu Musen Co.,Ltd.
 · Receiving Antenna (430MHz 2×19 element cross Yagi antenna, Double stack)
             CY430-219 * 2   Japan Communication & Electronic Co.,Ltd.
 · Preamplifier      None
 · USB 1-Seg Tuner   DS-DT305     ZOX Co.,Ltd.
 · PC           Windows 7 PC (CPU Intel Core i3)

An example of transmitter and receiver configuration
An example of transmitter and receiver configuration
PIC Assemble Program PIC HEX format ProgramManual

Uplink Commands and Transmission Method

 Follwing sound files correspond to uplink commands. The commands are directry sent to Shin-en2 via 145-MHz transmitter sound input lines  from PC.

 · Mesage "JG6YIG" (0xAA99AA5A5955556955596599656A5A6966966596656A5AA9A6A9)is set to the Shin-en2 message slot.
 · Mesage "HELLO!" (0xAA99AA5A5955556955596595656665A565A565AA5956A6669669)is set to the Shin-en2 message slot.
 · Message"SHINEN" (0xAA99AA5A595555695559665A6595659665A9656665A995A669A6)is set to the Shin-en2 message slot.
 · Mesage "JAPAN!" (0xAA99AA5A595555695559659965566655655665A95956AA595966)is set to the Shin-en2 message slot.
 · Message"ABCDE" (0xAA99AA5A59555569555965566559655A6565656665696A656966)is set to the Shin-en2 message slot.

 Command uplink can be mede as follows;
  (1) Select one message from above mentioned list,
  (2) Connect PC Sound-out connector to TX sound-in connector via signal cable,
  (3) Set up TX to SSB mode,
  (4) Adjust signal level in order to avoid signal distortion,
  (5) Play sound data and transit them from TX,
  (6) Replay sound data.

Received Code Analyzer

 Convert received codes to HK data and mission data by using Excel work sheet.

 · Analizer (Excel Format) Size 18MB
 · Example of Analysys (Excel Format) Size 18MB
 · Example of Received Code (エクセル形式)

Software Difinition Radio used for WSJT Signal Reception

 · HDSDR (High Definition Software Defined Radio)

Appearences of Antenna and Communication System

  Antenna under installation (1)   Antenna under Installation (2)       Receiver           Transmitter


Utility program

 Conversion from Hex Data (=Message) to Wave Data (Sound Data) for upkink command. Program language is R.
 · Hex Data to Wave File

 Utility program for Shin-en2 signal reception are opened courtesy of Sanada-san(JI1IZR), a member of ARTSAT group. Uplink frequency is
 indicated, and one out of three downlink frequencies is selectable. Reception frequency including doppler frequency correction is indicated
 as well as AZ and EL directions.
 · Plase check this page
 · Downlowd zip-file Utility program by JI1IZR